Settings – Google Analytics

If you wish to use Google Analyis to monitor how many people are vistiing your website, which pages they look at, how long they stay, where they came from, what search terms they put in to get your page as a result, etc. then we’ve made it really easy. You’ll need to sign up for an account on the Google Analytics system, and then create a “profile” for the URL of your new website. But then, where Google give you a set of complex codes to add to your website, we’ve done all that, all you need to do to add the tracking code to your site is to take the UA ID that Google will give you (it looks a bit like UA-123123-4 ) and, preferrably by cutting-and-pasting so you can’t mistype it, put it in this page and click Update Options. As SOON as you have done this, if you click on the “test” button on the Google Analytics control page, it should report that the tracking code is in place, and you will start to get useful data from the next day. (Note that Google Analytics only updates once every 24 hours so you won’t start to see graphs and reports until the day after you add this code to your site.

That’s it for settings! There are lots more but the defaults should suffice until you’re up and running and want to fine-tune things.
